Stress, Tension and frequent pain can make your neck and shoulders feel tight and stiff. Injury, improper sleeping schedule and sitting for a longer period of time results in tight shoulders Muscles. It  is a combination of both body’s alignment and poor posture.

Here we will be discussing different kinds of poses as:

Tips to Loosen and Tighten Neck and Shoulder Muscles

1.Neck stretch

The neck stretch is an arduous stretch which is used to increase the range of motion which helps to relieve neck stress.

Steps for Performing the Neck Stretch

  • Stand straight and keep your left arm by your side.
  • Your fingers should point towards the left then put your right hand on your head.
  • If you perform the steps properly then you will feel stretch in your neck’s left side then gently pull your head towards right.
  • After 20 to 30 seconds, move back to the middle.
  • Keep performing these steps on the left.
  • You have to repeat it 2 to 3 times on both sides.
  1. Neck release

The neck release pose is the best technique to alleviate the tension and stress from your neck and shoulders.

The Steps for Performing the Neck Release

  • Maintain a straight posture and rest your arms by your sides.
  • Now, put your chin towards your chest while lowering down your head.
  • Till your head towards the right and pause for 30 seconds. Your neck’s left side ought to feel stretched.
  • Return your head to the middle, then raise yourself to the beginning position.
  • Before switching sides, repeat.
  • On each side, repeat 3 to 5 times.

3.Child Pose

Child pose is the most well-known position for yoga purposes because it helps to ease neck and back pain. It also helps in stretching which provides relaxation. It is also known as Balasana.

Some Steps of Performing Child Pose

  • You have to be on your knees and place your wrists in the range of shoulders while positioning your knees under your hips.
  • Place your palms flat on the floor.
  • In order to Lengthen your spine, you have to walk with your hands in front of you and lean back on your heels. Remember to hinge at your hips.
  • Maintaining a forward bend while keeping your arms out in front of you.
  • About 60 to 90 seconds, you have to maintain this posture. This will help to let go of the tiredness in your neck and shoulders. While performing this pose, you should concentrate on your breathing.
  • Repeat these steps for two to three times in order to prevent all the tiredness.

4.Thread the Needle

The stretch known as “thread the needle” aids in easing tension in the shoulders, neck, and back.

  • Get on your knees and place your wrists under your shoulders while placing your knees under your hips. Place your palms flat on the floor.
  • Move your right hand, palm up, from the right side of your body to the left. Your body will rotate as a result of the motion, and when you turn to the left, your right shoulder will come into contact with the ground. To support your weight, use your left hand.
  • Once you’ve held it for 20 to 30 seconds, shift back to the starting position.
  • On the left, repeat.
  • On each side, repeat 2 to 3 times.


To improve the problem of neck and shoulder pain then you should take a consultation with Massage Therapy in Surrey which includes treatment of nerves, joints, nerves which can be diagnosed and treated with the help of a massage therapist (MT).